Sports packages

Discover below the 1:1 individual sessions with our certified trainer, Radu Zaharia, which you can do in the comfort of your own home. Choose from the workout plans below the one that best suits your body needs.

  • Training Session 1-1


    Training is individual. You will meet with our trainer, online, on Zoom, from the comfort of your home.


    You choose the number of sessions! You can choose a different number of sessions each month, so that they fit your schedule as well as possible.


    All seats for sessions 1-1 are currently occupied. We invite you to use the form below to register on the waiting list and we will contact you when a new place is available.

  • Training plan

    300 lei / MONTH

    You will receive a personalized training plan that contains 3 workouts/week that you will perform alone from the comfort of your home.


    The training plan is detailed and contains both the names of the exercises, their frequency and an explanation of how they are performed.


    You benefit from a weekly online meeting to discuss your progress.

Choose the desired package!

Fill out the form below and we'll get back to you with all the details!

Radu Zacharias


I consider myself lucky to be able to encourage and help women in their journey with endometriosis. Within the Endofoodart project, I support women to lead a healthier lifestyle that will serve them in the management of this condition. Through personalized fitness training, adapted to the needs and wishes of each client, I contribute to the achievement of individual goals, whether it is toning, weight loss or increasing endurance. My goal is to give women the tools they need to improve their health and well-being.