Holistic Approach Introduction Session

I invite you to join me in tackling the following topics together that will help us make the necessary changes towards the lifestyle you want.

  • Your condition

    We discuss the history of your condition - when it appeared, what symptoms you present most often, what emotions were triggered with the diagnosis, what was your approach until now and how do you want to relate to your condition in the future.

  • eating

    What are the foods that support us in this journey, what are the ones that put us at a disadvantage and what foods can we introduce in our diet to fight inflammation?

  • The Physical Plane

    What does a healthy lifestyle mean? How does sport help us in this journey and how can we integrate it into our lives? We are talking about exercises that we can do in the comfort of our home.

  • The Psychic Plane

    What role do our thoughts play in the healing process? What is mindfulness and how can we integrate it into our lives? What meditation exercises can you practice in challenging moments?

  • Endocrine disruptors

    What are endocrine disruptors and how can we avoid them? What are the alternatives for the products that contain the most endocrine disruptors and the store options where we can buy clean products in ingredients?

  • The New Lifestyle

    How do we make the transition to a diet without gluten, sugar or dairy? How and when do we use the different gluten-free ingredients to get the best results? Where do we shop? What can we replace our favorite meals with?

Bonus Guides

At the end of the Wellness Foundation session, you will benefit from a bonus package to support you on your journey to the lifestyle you want. Below you will find some details about what it will contain.

  • Your guide to the holistic approach to endometriosis

  • Book with 40 recipe ideas for endometriosis diet

  • Digital gratitude journal

  • Digital food journal

  • Sports Plan with 3 Workouts

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The following 1:1 Counseling Packages

After having the Wellness Foundation introductory session on the holistic approach to endometriosis, you can call any of the 2 packages: Anytime Help and Food Journey. These two packages can ONLY be accessed AFTER the introductory session. Find out what each contains below!

  • Anytime Help - 150 lei

    I will be by your side whenever you need support on your way to the lifestyle you want. You can reserve an additional hour to discuss symptoms based on the food diary or other concerns that arise during this trip. The session will take place on ZOOM, at a date and time established by mutual agreement.

    The Anytime Help package can be accessed at any time, after an introductory session - Wellness Foundation.

  • Food Journey - 180 lei

    Over the course of a month, you will keep a food diary, recording each meal and the symptom you experience. Thus we will identify together what we add and what we remove from the diet to find the best option for your body. You will receive weekly recommendations and food diary analysis by email, and you will have support on WhatsApp from Monday to Friday.

    The Food Journey package can be accessed at any time, after an introductory session - Wellness Foundation.

Choose the package that suits you!

With empathy and understanding, we will work together to identify customized solutions and strategies to give you the support you need to effectively manage your endometriosis. Let's start this journey together towards a more fulfilling and healthy life!

About me

I am Raluca Zaharia, and my goal is to share with you all the information I have accumulated during my journey with this condition. I want you to understand that every body is unique and no one but you holds the key to healing. Thus, by testing and making the right choices, you will be able to see what works best for you.

Therefore, you will not receive from me a food plan to follow strictly and which will guarantee your success, becoming dependent on someone else to know what you need to eat. You will receive the necessary guidance and support to achieve your goals on your own!