About me

Diagnosed with stage 3/4 endometriosis, in a permanent search for tasty recipes, never letting go of my thoughts about this condition, I learned how to regain control over my body and mind and how to make friends with this condition.

The result of the holistic approach in my case? Disappearance of pain, discomfort, giving up anti-inflammatories (which in the end no longer had their effect, regardless of the dosage), reduction of inflammation and cysts from 5cm to 0.5cm in less than a year and getting pregnant.

How? Through the diet adapted to the needs of my body, sports and changing the lifestyle into one that will be my friend and help me in this journey.

What did I learn from this trip? I learned that change depends on us. The way we want to shape our lives and values ​​is entirely within our power. How quickly and how many results we notice, depends only on the level of involvement we show. So, how badly do you want to regain power over your own body?

Update, 2023

"Without Endometriosis" - 3 years later and definitely the most beautiful thing you can hear in this clinic, which many women with the same diagnosis know. I leave this picture here as a memory of this wonderful moment.

Here, 3 years ago, after many more years full of pain, many wrong diagnoses, I received the dreaded diagnosis of endometriosis. Stage 3. In all this fear, I was happy that I finally knew what was happening in my body. That I know what I have to do.

I was starting a new life. One where stress would no longer find its place and where love for my body was above all else. I didn't fight, I accepted. I didn't resist, I didn't struggle and I didn't deny. I accepted that this is happening in my body at the moment, I accepted that not all things are in my control and that I will do everything in my power, everything in my power, to give the body what it needs.

Today, in the same place, with an 8-month-old puppy in my arms, I found out that all the lesions have disappeared and everything looks perfectly normal.

Fortunately for me, this path was one without surgery and without drugs. I hope that this message is not misunderstood, I am not against them, but I always encourage them when the decision is made together with a doctor specialized in this condition. I think that every body is different and only the doctor specializing in endometriosis can say what is the best approach for each patient. On this occasion, I want to thank @reteaua.reginamaria and Endo Institute, the place where I found the best and most understanding doctors and where I found the answer to many questions.

It was a journey with a lot of patience, balance, understanding, love for your own body, diet, sports, lifestyle changes and many visits to the doctor to make sure I'm on the right track and to be ready to change the plan of action if things are not on the right track.

More about me

As a child, I always considered myself incredibly lucky to have the opportunity to eat anything, at any time without gaining weight. Diet was not a familiar word in my vocabulary and I think this was also the reason why I became a foodie. Unfortunately, things changed when I found out about the diagnosis of endometriosis. We have realized that a significant part of the management of endometriosis is represented by a diet specific to this condition. And YES, I felt helpless, I felt that I won't be able to eat anything tasty again this life... but after these moments, I decided that it's time to regain control over my life.

We searched for information, documented ourselves, many other visits to specialist doctors followed to understand as much as possible what this condition means and since then we have been learning daily. We learn what are the best ways to live with this condition, what helps us, what helps us less and how to live in harmony with our body. I baptized endometriosis Tony and we became friends. We don't fight, we don't deny it, but we accept it, always asking the question: Tony, how about we learn how to live together without disturbing each other too much, what do you say?

I invite you to follow me on the Instagram page @endofoodart and if you have questions or curiosities, don't hesitate to leave me a message. I will answer as soon as possible. I promise you that there is no need to feel alone in this journey!