Online, Zoom - limited number of 10 people. Duration - 75 min

Next Webinar - June 27, 6:00 p.m

What are we talking about in the webinar?

  • My story

    I will tell you about my journey with endometriosis, what were my symptoms, how I discovered this diagnosis after 10 years of uncertainty, what investigations I carried out and what were the steps I followed to manage this condition.

  • Fighting Endometriosis

    We talk about the reasons why it is not sustainable to fight this condition and what approach can help and support us in the journey with endometriosis

  • Holistic approach

    Why do we choose a holistic approach and what are the plans we need to work on? Why is a change in diet alone not enough?

  • eating

    What are the foods that support us in this journey, what are the ones that put us at a disadvantage and what foods can we introduce in our diet to fight inflammation?

  • The Power of Breakfast

    We learn together how we can make a breakfast that will sustain us throughout the day, so that we have energy for as long as possible, without feeling cravings and irritability.

  • The Physical Plane

    What does a healthy lifestyle mean? How does sport help us in this journey and how can we integrate it into our lives? We are talking about exercises that we can do in the comfort of our home.

  • The Psychic Plane

    What role do our thoughts play in the healing process? What is mindfulness and how can we integrate it into our lives? What meditation exercises can you practice in challenging moments?

  • Q&A session

    During the webinar, I will give you the answers to the questions you left me at the time of registration in the form. However, if during the session there were any concerns, I invite you to address them at the end of the session and discuss them together.

Bonus Guides

At the end of the webinar, you will benefit from a bonus package to support you on your journey to the lifestyle you want. Below you will find some details about what it will contain.

  • Your guide to the holistic approach to endometriosis

  • Book with 40 recipe ideas for endometriosis diet

  • Digital gratitude journal

  • Digital food journal

  • Sports Plan with 3 Workouts

1 of 5
  • "I really liked the webinar and I'm glad I participated. It helps me to hear people who managed to have a nice and sustainable progress, and besides the super important information I took, I left with a great idea important: it's not a fight! And I'll give it a name too, I resonated a lot with this initiative!"

  • "Congratulations on the webinar! Thank you so much for sharing your experience and your positive thoughts on this topic with us!

  • "I liked the webinar very much and I learned very important information. Although I knew about the nutrition part, I never thought that stress could affect me more, as I am a super stressed person. I will learn to be calmer . Thank you very much!"

  • "An extremely valuable webinar, the information was very useful and inspirational. Certainly, all the advice and new perspectives on lifestyle will help me on my way to the future. Thank you for everything, you are a source of inspiration and a worthy example followed!"

  • "Wow. The webinar was exactly what I needed. Now I have a structure to all the information I had read everywhere. Now it's easier to make a work raise my awareness. You gave me confidence! Thank you! Good health!"

1 of 5

Sign up too!

Places are limited! Let's build the foundation for the lifestyle you really want together! We look forward to having you with us!

About me

I am Raluca Zaharia, and my goal is to share with you all the information I have accumulated during my journey with this condition.

Let's build together the foundation for a lifestyle you really want! We'll explore ways to adapt your meals, mindset and physical activity to get the results you want. Through interactive discussions and practical advice, you'll be well on your way to achieving your health and wellness goals. We look forward to having you with us!