Guide to dyeing eggs using natural methods

Discover the art of dyeing Easter eggs using natural methods with our free guide! It gives you all the information you need to use natural ingredients, straight from your kitchen, to achieve vibrant shades and unique designs. From onion skins to red cabbage, you'll learn how to experiment with various eco-friendly materials and turn egg dyeing into a creative and healthy activity. Turn tradition into a memorable and health-friendly experience!


My moment in the kitchen - 15 Recipes without gluten, dairy or refined sugar

Do you need inspiration in this diet? Download this book and discover 15 recipes that you can adapt for your body. Use this book as inspiration, but keep in mind that every body is different and has different needs. Adapt the recipes so that it fits your lifestyle.


Your little guide to start the endometriosis diet

The guide is created with the aim of supporting you in choosing the right diet, taking into account the fact that diet plays an important role in the management of endometriosis. This guide will give you the information you need to make informed food choices, supporting you on your journey to the lifestyle you want.


Supplements in endometriosis

This guide is created with the aim of providing you with information taken from studies about the effects of different supplements on endometriosis. It is essential to understand that although supplements can help in the management of endometriosis they should not be administered without consulting a specialist doctor.


10 Cleaning Products that you can prepare at home

Most cleaning products contain endocrine disruptors, altering the balance of the endocrine glands. So, why expose ourselves to such products every day, when we can learn how to prepare some of them at home? Download this guide and discover how you can prepare cleaning products directly at your home.


Your guide to peaceful nights with Endometriosis

Discover your guide to deeper, more restful sleep. It gives you tested strategies and tips to improve the quality of your sleep, allowing you to wake up refreshed and ready for a new day. A gift for you, for restful nights and energetic days.


How can we reduce inflammation in the cold season

Most people who face inflammation believe that the symptoms are more pronounced in the cold months. So, what can we do to ensure that we give the body everything it needs to get through this period well?