How did the Endofoodart project come about?

The project appeared when I received the diagnosis of endometriosis. After many years of uncertainty, I finally knew what was happening to my body and what was the reason for all the years full of pain and unpleasant symptoms.

I set out with this condition, but I didn't know anything about it - I felt alone, without knowing the resources I need to make my journey as easy and pleasant as possible.

My wish was that the women who receive this diagnosis no longer feel alone. To find a place dedicated to them. A place where they are understood, where they are listened to, where they can ask questions, where they receive unconditional support and where they find all the necessary resources to support them in this journey with their friend - endometriosis. This is how the Endofoodart project was born - your guide in the management of endometriosis.


The holistic approach

Our project wants to support a holistic approach to the diagnosis of endometriosis, helping you regain control over both your physical and mental health.

What does holistic approach mean? It means that we look at the body as a whole and we want to heal it both from the inside and from the outside. We are of the opinion that a change only on a certain side is not sufficient or efficient. So, we can have a diet as per the book, but when we continue to live with the same negative thoughts, they will affect the inflammation in the body.

It is important to learn to observe our thoughts, to adapt our diet according to the needs of our own body and to discover methods with the help of which, with the passage of time, we will be able to support ourselves in this journey.

Every body and every person is different, so the holistic approach treats each case as an individual one. We have our own lives, experiences and memories from the past that brought us to the point where we are today. Therefore, we consider it necessary to work with each person according to their needs. You will learn with us how to change your focus from the negative to the positive side: how to be grateful for what happens to us and how to find the positive side in what is happening around us.

Discover more about the effects of the holistic approach on a person diagnosed with endometriosis by reading the story of Raluca, Co-Founder of Endofoodart.