Terms and conditions

The website www.endofoodart.com is owned and operated by ZF BEVAL SRL . with headquarters in the Municipality of Sibiu, Str. Ana Ipatescu no. 52, Sibiu County, J32/1775/2022, CUI 44737129 referred to below as the owner of the website.

The website www.endofoodart.com presents the services offered and the activity carried out by the holder. At the same time, through the website, the possibility of subscribing to receive periodic information (newsletter) is ensured, as well as access to the services provided by the owner (content on the website), services subject to these terms, in the event that they will not be stipulated special conditions for each individual case.

The information present on www.endofoodart.com is made available to users free of charge, except for products or services, the prices of which are specified.

The following terms shall be defined as follows:

  • User - any person who accesses the site, being interested in the services of the site owner, subscribes to receive periodic information (newsletter) and who implicitly undertakes to comply with this set of rules, being responsible for his actions on the site;

  • Registered user – any adult natural person (having reached the age of 18)/legal person who registers at a given time on the website as a user in order to benefit from the products/services provided on the website (content) and who implicitly undertakes to comply with this set of rules, being responsible for his actions on the site;

  • Service – providing the user with access to the platform through which he can subscribe to receive periodic information (newsletter); providing the user with access to the content of the site and to the products sold through the Site according to the User's options. Access to certain sections of the site takes place for a fee, being conditional on providing all the information to make the online payment with the bank card. In order to access the Service and make the payment, the user will provide all the data requested by the payment integrator that processes the online payment, as well as the data necessary for issuing the tax invoice by the website owner.

  • Order – an electronic document that intervenes as a form of communication between the site owner and the user through the Site, through which the user conveys to the site owner his intention to access the products/services made available on the site (access to content for a fee )


To access the website, respectively the presentation sections, user registration is not required.

User registration is mandatory only if he signs up to receive a periodic newsletter or to access the products or services provided on the site, in which case he will sign up with his first and last name or a pseudonym and an email address for identification and login to the website/for sending the newsletter.

To access the services provided on the site (for identification and authentication on the site) you must provide the following data as appropriate: name and surname or company name, postal address, an email address; contact person and phone number data will only be provided if applicable for legal entities.

If you wish to benefit from any prepaid services/content offered on the www.endofoodart.com website, you undertake and guarantee the following:

1) provide real, accurate and complete data about the user, as requested by the website registration form;

2) maintain or update the registration data that have undergone changes (e.g. surname, first name, postal address or email address; data on the contact person and telephone number will only be provided if it is the case for legal entities) so that they be true, accurate and complete.

The website owner reserves the right (but not the obligation) to verify the correctness of user registration data. If it is found that the information provided by the user is inaccurate, the website owner reserves the right to deny the user access to the services offered on the website.

By accessing the website and the Services made available, the User guarantees that they provide the owner of the website with correct data, being solely responsible for the information provided.


The User can place Orders on the www.endofoodart.com Website by checking the option to access the desired Services, then complete the Order by making payment through one of the expressly indicated methods. Once the option for a product/service is expressed, it is available for purchase to the extent that the terms and conditions presented on the site are respected. The option for a specific product/service, in the absence of completion of the Order, does not entail the registration of an order, implicitly nor the granting of the right of access to the product/service.

The Site Owner may cancel an order placed by the User, following prior notice to the User, without any further obligation of either party to the other or without any party being able to claim damages from the other in the following cases:

1. non-acceptance by the issuing bank of the User's card, of the transaction, in the case of online payment;

2. invalidation of the transaction by the card processor approved by the website owner, in the case of online payment;

3. the data provided by the User on the Site are incomplete and/or incorrect;

4. for accidental errors appearing on the website regarding the presentation of products/services or regarding their price.

Given the fact that through the site the owner provides the User with digital content that is not delivered on material support, and the supply begins at the user's prior request expressed by entering his data in the Site, the user will lose the right to withdraw after accessing the services ordered through the website and accepted its terms.


The prices of the Services are specified in the presentation of each product/service and in the Order. The website owner will issue an invoice to the User for the Services delivered, the User's obligation being to provide all the information necessary to issue the invoice in accordance with the legislation in force.

The owner of the site will send the User the related invoice exclusively in electronic format, by e-mail, to the e-mail address mentioned by the User.

By sending the Order, the User expresses his consent to receive the invoices in electronic format via e-mail, to the e-mail address mentioned when filling out the check-out form.

The User's payment card data will not be accessible to the owner of the website, nor will it be stored by him.

For Transaction security reasons, the User is advised not to stay logged in on the Site and not to set the automatic login option on mobile devices.


The use of the site is permitted in compliance with the principles of good faith, for information and to use the services provided on the site.

Stylized representations, graphic creation, associated logos and symbols and their combinations with any word or graphic symbol, photographs, audio-video materials, content used on this site are the exclusive property of the site owner or he has acquired the right to to use them, except those belonging to other entities.

Users cannot take over the site's content, intervene, modify or delete its content (text, images, logos, etc.). Any violation of this rule constitutes a violation of copyright, trademark or any other intellectual property right.

It is not allowed to copy, multiply, distribute, archive or store, by any means, for commercial purposes the materials on the site.

If there are sections within the site where users can insert comments and express personal opinions, images or other elements likely to be protected by intellectual property rights, the responsibility for their content rests exclusively with the users in question.


The owner of this website reserves the right to modify or interrupt, temporarily or permanently, its operation, in whole or only in part. In this case, the owner is not responsible for any modification, suspension or interruption of access to the site and the information available at a given time through it.


The user expressly declares that he accepts the following conditions:

1. The use of the services made available on the website is done at one's own risk.

2. The website owner does not provide any guarantee that:
- the services meet all user requirements;
- the services will be uninterrupted, on time, secure or without errors;
- program errors will be corrected.


The user expressly accepts that the owner of the website is not liable for direct, indirect, incidental, special damages or damages, including but not limited to damages for loss of profit, possibility of use, data or other intangible or immeasurable losses, resulting from:

- the use or impossibility of using www.endofoodart.com services;
- unauthorized access to or damage to User transmissions or data;
- statements or actions of a third party on the site;
- any other problem related to the website services.


This website may contain links or references to other websites which are considered by the owner of the website to be useful in relation to the content of the website and which are not under his control or guidance. In the case of using these links or references, the general conditions of use corresponding to those sites will apply.

The owner of the website cannot guarantee/control the timeliness/accuracy of the information present on the websites of third parties, to which reference is made from his website.


The Site Owner may provide notices/information regarding changes to the Terms of Use or other matters by posting notices to users generally on the Site.


The owner of the website www.endofoodart.com is not obliged to comply with the obligations set out in the Terms of Use, as a result of a cause beyond its control, including but not limited to fortuitous events, adverse weather conditions, other actions or inactions for which the website administrators are not responsible.


By accessing this website, the User accepts that this contract and any dispute related to it are governed and interpreted in accordance with Romanian laws, and the User agrees to submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the competent Romanian courts.

The owner of the website www.endofoodart.com does not guarantee that the content of this website is subject to the laws (including those of intellectual property) of other countries outside of Romania. If the User accesses this site from outside Romania, he does so at his own risk and is solely responsible for compliance with the laws of the country in which he is located.

If a user violates the legal provisions in force or the regulations applicable to the legal relations born by accessing the services or facilities of the site, he can be held liable according to the law.

At the same time, if a user violates the provisions of these terms and conditions of the site, the owner of the site can withdraw the right to use the facilities and services made available on the site. In this sense, the owner of the site will send an email notification to the user regarding the measure taken.


1. The 1:1 online sessions take place in the form of a coaching session. Coaching is a partnership (defined as an alliance, not a legal business partnership) between coach and client in a creative process that inspires the client to maximize personal and professional potential. It is designed to facilitate the creation / development of personal, professional or business goals and to develop and implement a strategy / plan to achieve these goals.

2. The client is solely responsible for creating and implementing their own physical, mental and emotional well-being, decisions, choices, actions and results arising from the coaching relationship. As such, the Client agrees that the service provider is not and will not be liable or responsible for any action or inaction or for any direct or indirect result of any services provided by the coach. The client understands that the coaching service is not therapy and is not a substitute for therapy or medical advice.

3. The client knows that coaching services are a comprehensive process that can involve different areas of his life, including work, finances, health, relationships, education and recreation. The Client agrees that the decision to resolve these issues, to incorporate coaching principles in those areas and to implement the choices made, are solely the responsibility of the Client.

4. The client understands that the coaching service does not involve the diagnosis or treatment of mental disorders and that this service should not be used as a substitute for counseling, psychotherapy, psychoanalysis, mental health care, substance abuse treatment or other professional advice provided by legal, medical or other qualified professionals and that it is the Customer's sole responsibility to seek such independent professional guidance as necessary. If the Client is currently under the care of a mental health professional, it is recommended that the Client immediately inform the mental health service provider of the nature and extent of the coaching relationship agreed upon by the Client and the Coach.

5. Client understands that in order to enhance the coaching relationship, they agree to communicate honestly, be open to feedback and assistance, and also invest time and energy to fully participate in the program.

6. The client understands that the information he will receive represents the sharing of personal experience, accumulated by the coach, not being information of a medical nature and does not override or replace the advice or opinion of a doctor.

7. The parties agree to engage in a 1-session coaching program, in a single one-hour session. After the initial session, the client can benefit from subsequent coaching sessions. The frequency of these meetings will be established by mutual agreement

8. The coaching relationship, as well as all information (documented or verbal) that the Client shares with the Coach, is bound by the principles of confidentiality. The Coach agrees not to disclose any information regarding the Client without the written consent of the Client. The Coach will not disclose the client's name as a reference without the client's consent.

9. Confidential information does not include information that:

(a) were in the Coach's possession before being provided by the Client;

(b) is generally known to the public or the customer's industry;

(c) is obtained by Coach from a third party, without breaching any obligation to the Client; or

(d) the Coach is required by law, lawfully issued subpoena or court order;

(e) is disclosed to the coach, and following such disclosure, the coach reasonably believes that there is an imminent risk of danger to the Client or others; and

(f) involves illegal activities. The Client also acknowledges the obligation to inform about the confidentiality of the relationship with the Coach.

10. All the (documented) information that the Client receives from the Coach is related to the principles of confidentiality and will not be shared with a third party. The Client agrees not to disclose any information without the written consent of the Coach.

11. The client has the right to reschedule a private session 2 times without any additional cost (if the change is notified at least 24 hours in advance - otherwise the session will be canceled and you will not be able to benefit from a refund). Please note that on the third rescheduling, the session will be considered canceled and its cost will not be refunded.

12. If the client is more than 15 minutes late, the session will be considered canceled and the cost of the session will not be refunded. If you enter the 15-minute slot, you will benefit from the remaining time of the originally scheduled 60 minutes. In other words, the meeting will not be extended to make up for the delay.

13. We reserve the right to change the price for private online sessions at any time.


1. The webinars take place in the form of a group coaching session. Coaching is a partnership (defined as an alliance, not a legal business partnership) between coach and client in a creative process that inspires the client to maximize personal and professional potential. It is designed to facilitate the creation / development of personal, professional or business goals and to develop and implement a strategy / plan to achieve these goals.

2. The client is solely responsible for creating and implementing their own physical, mental and emotional well-being, decisions, choices, actions and results arising from the coaching relationship. As such, the Client agrees that the service provider is not and will not be liable or responsible for any action or inaction or for any direct or indirect result of any services provided by the coach. The client understands that the coaching service is not therapy and is not a substitute for therapy or medical advice.

3. The client knows that coaching services are a comprehensive process that can involve different areas of his life, including work, finances, health, relationships, education and recreation. The Client agrees that the decision to resolve these issues, to incorporate coaching principles in those areas and to implement the choices made, are solely the responsibility of the Client.

4. The client understands that the coaching service does not involve the diagnosis or treatment of mental disorders and that this service should not be used as a substitute for counseling, psychotherapy, psychoanalysis, mental health care, substance abuse treatment or other professional advice provided by legal, medical or other qualified professionals and that it is the Customer's sole responsibility to seek such independent professional guidance as necessary. If the Client is currently under the care of a mental health professional, it is recommended that the Client immediately inform the mental health service provider of the nature and extent of the coaching relationship agreed upon by the Client and the Coach.

5. Client understands that in order to enhance the coaching relationship, they agree to communicate honestly, be open to feedback and assistance, and also invest time and energy to fully participate in the program.

6. The client understands that the information he will receive represents the sharing of personal experience, accumulated by the coach, not being information of a medical nature and does not override or replace the advice or opinion of a doctor.

7. The parties agree to engage in a 1-session coaching program, in a single 75-minute session. After the initial session, the client can benefit from subsequent coaching sessions. The frequency of these meetings will be established by mutual agreement

8. The coaching relationship, as well as all information (documented or verbal) that the Client shares with the Coach, is bound by the principles of confidentiality. The Coach agrees not to disclose any information regarding the Client without the written consent of the Client. The Coach will not disclose the client's name as a reference without the client's consent.

9. Confidential information does not include information that:

(a) were in the Coach's possession before being provided by the Client;

(b) is generally known to the public or the customer's industry;

(c) is obtained by Coach from a third party, without breaching any obligation to the Client; or

(d) the Coach is required by law, lawfully issued subpoena or court order;

(e) is disclosed to the coach, and following such disclosure, the coach reasonably believes that there is an imminent risk of danger to the Client or others; and

(f) involves illegal activities. The Client also acknowledges the obligation to inform about the confidentiality of the relationship with the Coach.

10. All the (documented) information that the Client receives from the Coach is related to the principles of confidentiality and will not be shared with a third party. The Client agrees not to disclose any information without the written consent of the Coach.

11. If the client is late for the webinar, he will benefit from the remaining time of the originally scheduled 75 minutes. In other words, the meeting will not be extended to make up for the delay.

12. We reserve the right to change the price for webinars at any time.


1. All sales are final. We do not offer refunds for any digital product for any reason. You undertake when you place an order for a digital product to check that it suits your needs. Once the order is placed, there is no return/refund option.

2. The product files, texts, images, audio/video files, as well as the links to which you will have access after purchasing a digital product, are strictly the property of the ZF BEVAL SRL Company with headquarters in the Municipality of Sibiu, Str. Ana Ipatescu no. 52, Sibiu County, J32/1775/2022, CUI 44737129. It is STRICTLY FORBIDDEN to copy, distribute, publish, modify, complete, transmit, remove signs, photos, images, pieces of text, display, sell, etc. of the content of the products you purchase from this site.

3. Access to the digital products purchased through this site will be done through the EMAIL ADDRESS communicated when placing the order . The user has the obligation to verify the correctness of the email address. Otherwise, he assumes the consequence of not receiving the ordered files and has the duty to notify the Owner of the website at the address endofoodart@gmail.com, within 24-48 hours. We reserve the right to change access at any time if we deem it necessary.

4. We reserve the right to change the price for any digital product at any time.


These terms regulate user access and access to the products and services provided on the www.endofoodart.com website. If, after the launch of the site and the publication of these terms, additional functions or services made available on the site will be implemented, they will be subject to the same rules and conditions contained in these clauses, in the event that they will not benefit from conditions distinct from the present.

By accessing this site, you accept the above conditions and you agree that it has the value of a contract, tacitly accepted, between the user and the administrators of the site. If you do not wish to comply with the rules described above, please do not use the information or services provided on this site.